Tuesday 13 October 2009

a first hello

Welcome to my first post.

I have lots of ideas of subjects to write about, but I´d love to make these posts useful and meaningful to everyone interested in architecture and what architects do. So please let me know what you would like to read about.

I´d like to share this extract with you from the wonderful book: Life of Pi, by Yann Martel.
I find it fascinating and thought provoking.

"Every animal has particular habitat needs that must be met. If its enclosure is too sunny or too wet or too empty, if its perch is too high or too exposed, if the ground is too sandy, if there are too few branches to make a nest, if the food trough is too low, if there is not enough mud to wallow in - and so many other ifs - then the animal will not be at peace. It is not so much a question of constructing an imitation of conditions in the wild as of getting to the essence of these conditions." (Chapter 10)

If humans lived in zoos, what would our enclosures be like?
What does it take for humans to feel at peace in their environment?
What is the essence of the human in the wild´s conditions?
I´d love to read your comments.

1 comment:

  1. To feel at peace in my environment, I like calm and tranquillity. It's nice to have amenities close by but for me it's important to have some greenery nearby preferably that you can see from most windows in your home.
    If I had to live in the wild I would chose to live with the nomads in the desert - at least it would be warm, I think. M x
